Monday, April 29, 2019

The Final Stretch...

This the blog post about "The Storm" and what we felt about the ending as well as how do we interpret the meaning of 'love' .

This blog posts deals with the Ante Bellum and have tricking can be hidden in plain sight.

This was the debate between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois and their views on how African Americans should be viewed.

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With the three blog post that I've chosen, I feel these are my strongest because I was truly interested in these stories. Because these stories kept my interest, my ideas and were flowing a lot better than the other stories. I also enjoyed talking about the many ways each story could be viewed. Within these stories, there was a new idea every time and it was very intriguing to write about. This class has helped me dissect and analyze stories a lot better than what I used to. In past times, I would read the story once and accept it for what it was, but now I see the importance of going back to collect information because I may have misinterpreted. My overall performance was average if I'm honest with myself. For example, with the small group discussions during class, I would answer the questions, but I wouldn't further the conversation to keep the different ideas flowing. I think that would be my weakness, not having the ability to expand ideas. It's mainly one sided, but in the future hopefully that will change. For an overall grade on my performance, I believe it should be a B because I still attended class and share some small ideas that were accurate. And my classwork was good for the most part.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Small group discussion

Image result for group huddle

When preparing for the group discussion for the story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," I took down notes and tried to dissect what was really happening the story. To help doing so, I read some of the questions that would have to be answered during the discussion to see what I was looking for. This was very helpful as well as rereading the story multiple times because it was a lot of details that was missed in the first round of reading. As I was coming into the group discussion, I felt ready and was ready to answer if not all, majority of the questions. But when the discussion began, it didn't go as planned in my head. I began to feel nervous for some strange reason, so I kind of set back for a few, then a realized I need to say something. Looking back, I wish I would've said more because I had a lot of different perspectives on the story than the other people in my small discussion. Also because of what I was gathering from what was said in the discussion, made my perspective in my head more vivid. If I was to get another opportunity to have a small discussion in another class, I would most defiantly answer more questions and add commentary on other peoples thoughts.