Saturday, February 16, 2019

Calixa Calixa Calixa

Well we all can agree that the story has a never ending plot twist that doesn't seem to come to a solidified answer. The best way to describe this story is a maze. We think we're going the right way to figuring out the solution, but then there's an abrupt halt. And to top it off, the ending quote is "So the storm passed and everyone was happy." Well, what's the tea?

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Now the never ending debate is everyone really happy? Let's dissect the situation and the irony behind it. So from what we know, we know that Calixa had a previous relationship with a fellow that she had an affair with. Could this be a situation where she's happy that the affair is over? Or did the affair lead up to her happiness? After the storm is when the flowers bloom right? So that darkening and intensifying storm that seemed so terrible, revived a spark that was blown away in the wind. Could possibly have rejuvenated Calixa's feelings and her mood for the rest of the day. The excitement Calixa exulted when Bobbinot came in the door could of been a whole facade because his eyes wasn't scared from the acts that happened just a few minutes because he walked through the door.
"So the storm passed and everyone was happy."
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As for Bobbinot, could he be so naive? From the few statements that were given in the text, we know that Bobbinot tries to do things to keep Calixa quiet because she can be a bit of a nagger. Like the shrimp situation. He knew the rain would prevent him and his son from being home on time, so he tries to give a peace offering. Leads to the thought of how many peace offerings has he really offered to keep her quiet? How many peace offering really amended peace? Or better yet, are these just hush gifts because he doesn't want to hear the slander? So used to the status quo, that it becomes a natural but yet toxic habit. I don't believe that Bobbinot was truly a happy camper in the marriage. It just so happens that this one time Bobbinot comes in the house, and instead of getting a stern talking to, it's a  beatific greeting. But because the nagging wasn't present, he was then satisfied.
"So the storm passed and everyone was happy."

Analyzing Bobbinot's and Calixa's marriage, I believe it is broken. Although Calixa did shed a few tears in the absence of Bobbinot and her son, no true communication nor love is present. The reason I feel that way is because how could one love and still cheat? Just because someone is married doesn't mean they're happy and genuine. Some couples stay for the sake of their kids and the public. Don't want to appear as a broken home in front of peers because image is everything in the eye of some. Also instead of apologizing and trying to explain to Calixa why they were out for so long, Bobbinot wants to buy her favorite food in the hopes of getting on her good side. Doesn't sound like a healthy relationship to me.

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So why was this adultery act done in the first place? Maybe Calixa haven't felt love in this aspect for a while, and missed the feeling. And even though it was wrong, and she could possibly still care for Bobbinot, she fell into temptation, listening to her body and not her mind. Vulnerability could of been present, but if you were so worried about your family, how could you get easily side tracked? I believe that Calixa doesn't care about the fact that she had an affair because once the act was over, she was at ease. Of course she said she was "worried" about them during the rain, but was she really? 

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