Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Trickster at Best..

There are many tricksters out in this world, but one that we can never forget is Satan himself. From the first chapter of the bible, Genesis, there came Adam and Eve story. We all know that God set Adam and Eve to the Garden of Eden where God gave them simple instructions saying that they could eat from any tree in the garden EXCEPT for the tree of good and evil. Satan disguised himself as a snake to confront Eve and try to persuade her into doing the opposite of what God sent her out to do.

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During this confrontation Satan was pursuing Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Eve told the serpent that she would die if she was to eat any fruit from the tree of good and evil, but she didn't even listen to her own intuition. Although Eve was hesitant and knew the repercussions that would come if she ate the fruit, she started to question God and his demands. The serpent set up the scenario to make it seem like God didn't want anybody to be better than him so he used that phrase saying "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." The slick words were able to break her trust with God and she presumed to eat the forbidden fruit, later sharing some with Adam.

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