Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Speak Up and Speak Out

Between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Debois, they both showed they wanted freedom and equality for African Americans. Yes, there is many different ways to go about having your voice being heard, but the most important objective is getting the outsiders to listen and obtain the information given. So it all boil down to who had the conservative and militant approach to get African Americans the positive recognition they deserve?

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When reading Booker T. Washington's views on going about having equality, you can tell he was on the conservative side about the situation. He wanted African Americans to show their talents through work, and he believed that didn't require to have a full education. In the "Atlantic Exposition Address" he repeatedly states:
"Cast down your buckets where you are"
I believe with this quote, he is trying to say that African Americans should not have to move north to get economic freedom. Economic freedom should be included everywhere, like the south. As well as not finding the need to protest. Booker T. Washington believed that everything will fall into place in due time, if we, the African Americans, proceed to work efficiently and effectively. 

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Now with W.E.B Dubois, he was not trying to "wait and see." Dubois beleived in speaking out and having a full education as well as the same job opportunities white people had. Although Dubois saw that some of the things Washington was aiming to get, was good for the African Americans, he believed he need to push harder for equality. The separate but equal ordeal was not acceptable in the eyes of Dubois. Dubois birthed this feeling of African Americans having to have a "double conscience," which to him meant that African Americans never had a unified identity. African Americans constantly had to put on a facade in front on the the outsiders to get by day to day. W.E.B was tired of these things, and felt like it shouldn't have to be like this forever. Taking the bare minimum would basically be a slap in the face to the African Americans. They deserved more than what was given to them. 

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The way Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois grew up were completely didn't. I believe that because Washington was born enslaved, and he has this little bit of freedom, he's just taking what is being offered to him because he knows what it feels like to have nothing. Whereas Dubois was born free. I believe that since Dubois knows how far African Americans can stretch their talents, he doesn't want to settle for less. Dubois knows that working is not the only way out in making a living for yourself.

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