Thursday, March 28, 2019

Importance of Looking Within..

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Identity is something that many struggle with on a day to day basis. Having to constantly put on a facade to be accepted by family, friends, or the outside world can possibly result in losing who you really are. Which is why I have chosen to do the topic that tackles the discussion about identity and its role. The way I want to tackle this essay is explaining why people feel as though they have to have a second life and can your second persona get you accepted the way you want it to. I feel W.E.B Dubois first chapter of the Souls of Black Folk would be a great kick start to my essay because it talks about having a double conscience. As stated before, some people feel as though they have to become a different person to be accepted in different groups, and DuBois explains that perfectly in 'Of Our Spiritual Strivings." I also want to use the story "The School Days of an Indian Girl," because in the story, the girl has trouble fitting in at her school as well as her own home. Also I want to flip the script and add the story "How It Feels to be Colored," because I feel that is an important story of knowing who you are regardless of who you are around. In the story, the main character was well aware that she was being looked at differently when she left Florida, but she did not feel the need to change who she was. 

Issues within all three stories are still present in today's society, so I want to take examples from each text and begin to talk about how they are still relevant. With DuBois story, I want to hit pinpoints on how some may feel they have to compete with another race to be accepted or at least considered acceptation . With The Schools Days of an Indian Girl, I would take her situation and tie it in with how people who are looked at as "different" in today's society and how they might feel as being an outcast. And lastly, with the story "How It Feels to be Colored," I would like to talk about how you shouldn't have to change your identity to try to feel accepted.  

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